The Principle of Vibration

Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates


The Kybalion states that this Principle sets outs: everything is in motion, everything is vibrating, and nothing is resting. What is interesting is while modern day science has proved this, we knew this principle for many, many years before. This Principle states that the differences between different manifestations of Matter, Energy, Mind, and even Spirit, result largely from varying rates of Vibration.

It is stated that the grossest form of matter is operating at such a low vibration that they seem at rest but we have the other end of the scale where the vibration of Spirit is at such an infinite and intense rate of movement that this too is at rest. The best example of this is if you have even seen a Catherine Wheel on fireworks night. At one point such is the quickness and rapid circular movements, it can almost look as if it is still.

catherinre wheel

A Catherine wheel on fireworks night can move so fast that it can appear still

Between these points there are an infinite number of other vibrations, from entire worlds to a bee flying to the next flower to collect its pollen. However, this is also true for emotions, thoughts and people themselves. All are emitting a certain vibration at any one time for all is energy within the universe.

Another great example is thinking of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is only the range of frequencies that takes something out of us being able to see it with our physical eyes to it becoming invisible. We know different frequencies can allow us to talk to someone over our phone or get online, even though we cannot see them. Yet there are many that still think if it is outside their five senses it does not exist. For the intuitive, who can go beyond the five sense experience, interacting beyond our five senses becomes a direct regular experience, but we all interact beyond our normal physical range most days anyway. Dreams being a good example of this.


We can only see a fraction with our eyes

Again, this principle impacts our day-to-day life. When you walk into a room and see someone who has a had a bad day, you often know this straight away without even seeing the person. Their emotional state is giving off a vibration which is affecting your own perception and inner state. It is of no coincidence that when we spend a lot of time around someone who is constantly negative and in a foul mood, we can feel drained and become despondent and negative ourselves. Likewise, the opposite can occur when we spend time with someone who is genuinely feeling positive happy and upbeat. All because of vibration and its frequency interacting with our own.

For those who have been trained in counselling and mental health work, we often teach them to hold the space when listening. To observe their own state and to keep as neutral as possible. To be careful not to slip into judgements and assumptions and crucially to hold the silence as long as possible only using small propping questions when needed. The outcome of this? The speaker can often come to solve their own problem or have much greater levels of awareness around it. For the listener, a greater understanding of the problem and often deeper insights into their own bias which might have been holding them back in being able to help the person in front of them. That no words are needed combined with the listener more aware of their own internal state (vibration) can have a significant impact on the speaker with the problem.

How does one improve their own vibration? By becoming more aware of their perceptions in their life whilst accepting their true nature. Remember though in Gods eyes there is no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ and all vibrations are manifestations of Spirit. Which brings us on nicely to our next principle. That of Polarity.