Understanding the Elemental dignities part 1

We now move into a more advanced topic of the Tarot, and that is the elements and in particular how they can influence each other in a reading and how this can bring even greater depths to any reading you may give.

First though I would like to discuss the elements and particularly how they are symbolised within in the Tarot. In this section you may hear words that relate to the Qabalah. The links the Tarot has to this are many but for now do not worry about understanding them fully just yet as this will be the focus of another section.

However, one thing that must be kept in mind is that all elements require the support of the others. While one may stand out briefly from another at a point in time, it is still held up by the others. There is always a wonderful harmonious balance in nature, and the elements are no exception to this.   

Let us look at Fire as an example. On the surface it looks as if Fire does not need the others to support itself. But if you have ever wanted to get a small fire going in your garden, you would know that one of the best ways is to give it some oxygen, by either blowing on it or fanning. Both involve the element of air. Fire relies on it to get going, particularly if it wants to get bigger. Air also shows to Fire what direction it wants to move in. If Fire has a desire to move East, then it needs to call on Air to make it possible. Earth also plays an important part. If we want to keep that Fire going and not burn out, then we give it Earth through wood and other materials. We use Earth as the base and foundation to keep that Fire going. And lastly, what about water? Like much in life, too much of something is rarely a good thing and with Fire the potential to cause damage and destruction is high. Without Water, to bring Fire back into harmony, the world would look different today.

This need of other elements is the same when we look at any of them in isolation. The waves you see in the ocean? Without Air, these would not be possible. The beautiful natural earth structures we see would not be there without the erosion caused by rain, rivers and the sea. The clouds that are so often associated with Air in the sky could not take place without the water droplets inside them. As you can see the list is endless, and that is even before realising that without this harmonisation of elements the Earth we live in would be dead. No vegetation would grow, giving us crops to eat. Without Tree’s giving us oxygen, we would not survive. Without water or heat from the Sun, the outcome would be the same.

In our day to day lives its easy to forget how much we rely on nature for our very survival, and how nature relies on the elements to function in harmony. So why is this important when learning about the Tarot?

First, each element speaks to us through an assigned card that represents a part of our human faculties. Be it emotion, thought, will or the practical side of life in terms of our jobs and income. By understanding how these elements function in nature, gives us more insight to their significance when we look within. It also serves another affect, though. When we understand that no element is better than the other and that they work in balance, then we can understand when learning about elemental dignities within the Tarot there is no such thing as having the ‘perfect spread’ of cards when looking at their elements and even when the cards might look like they are in conflict or ‘ill dignified’ with one another there is often a deeper truth where this conflict is serving a greater healing within that person or situation. Equally, it’s also worth noting the elements missing in a spread. This can deepen further our knowledge of that the cards are telling us.

So, with all that said, let us explore each element in depth within in the Tarot before learning how what they are next to, can have a big impact on a spread.    

Note: When talking about the Elemental dignities, we work with the Thoth deck for a multitude of reasons beyond the scope of this section. If you come from the Rider-Waite deck,  one of the major differences is the difference of the court cards. Kings = Knights, Queens = Queens, Knights = Princes, whilst Pages = Princesses.


The Element of Fire

Minor Arcana - The Suit of Wands

Court Card – Knights

Major Arcana - The Emperor, Wheel of Fortune, Passion (Lust), The Art, The Tower, The Sun

Qabalistic Level: Chiah

Qabalistic World: Atziluth


The element of Fire is pure spirit, it is vitality and passion, energy and victory, the will and the power to act. Like all elements it is neutral so contains what we can perceive as both a light side and a dark side. On one hand, it is the heat of the Sun on a cold winter day, that ability to make you feel better by entering its presence. It has the power to mesmerise in its beauty, which anyone who has watched a fire can testify. Fire was about the most important precondition for man to rise from the level of animals, it provided means to cook and to have a light in the night; it enabled man to forge metal and build up a civilisation. However, it is also has the power to lay waste to anything in its path. To be fed by what it is destroying. It is indiscriminate to anything that comes in its path whether that be building, tree, animal or even human. Interestingly though, within this destruction it offers a chance for a renewal. A new beginning.

In the Qabalah, Fire is the element connected to Chiah , the highest level of the soul, and to the world of Atziluth, which is closest to the infinite. On this level, Fire emanates i.e. flows out from the pure white light of the infinite. It is thus seen as the divine spirit, the primeval spark of life itself.

In Tarot we associate the element of Fire to the Suit of Wands, bringing creation, inspiration, and creativity. Remember, though too much of one element is rarely a good thing and the Wands run a fine line between the creative impulse and a fiery destructive urge.


The Element of Water

Minor Arcana - The Suit of Cups

Court Card – Queens

Major Arcana - The Priestess, The Chariot, The Hanged Man, Death, The Moon

Qabalistic Level: Neshamah

Qabalistic World: Briah

The element of Water embodies the primeval emotion and intuition. It represents passivity, so thus is highly receptive. Water will always go in the direction of least resistance, however interestingly with no outside influence it will not move. So connected we are to water that it makes up such a large part of our own bodies and without it for long periods of time sickness and even death would find us. Water is a life giver, no life on this earth would be present without it, yet without purpose or movement it can become stagnant, brooding, and unhealthy. Not dissimilar to how we begin to feel when we suppress and hold on to emotions within ourselves that long to be expressed and transformed. 

We associate water with the level Neshamah and the world of Briah, the dark unconscious receiving the spark of life from the Fire thus giving birth to creation. But the creation born in the Water is not a creation that creates anything - that act will be left to Air (Yetzirah) and Earth (Assiah).

In the Tarot Water is associated with the Suit of Cups. Therefore, it represents our emotions and how we are feeling about a situation.


The Element of Air

Minor Arcana – Suit of Swords

Court Card – Princes

Major Arcana – The Fool, The Magician, The Lovers, Adjustment, The Star

Qabalistic Level: Ruach

Qabalistic World: Yetzirah

Air in its substance is all around us, it manifests in the breath that is the ultimate precondition for life; it is the carrier for all sound; it is the wind culminating from the heating of the poles and the rotation of the earth. Air can be a gentle breeze and a ferocious, destructive storm. To describe the Air is impossible as this is its nature. Elusive, playful, so close yet so far away. A wise child with ancient knowledge making mischief within a room of serious adults, not realising the wisdom that runs among them.

 The element of Air is represented by the pure mind, the thought and the intellect, synthesis and analysis, the proceeding of the spirit of Fire and the unconscious emotion of Water into definitions and concepts.

In the Tarot Air is associated with the Suit of Swords. Like all symbolism, it can carry both a positive and a negative. There is no doubt that in times in our lives as we become more aware of the mind it can occasionally feel we can come under the attack from our own thoughts, that our own enemy isn’t necessarily the external event but what our thoughts are of that event. A sword than would be an accurate depiction of how some thoughts can make us feel. Some thoughts ‘believed’ in have the power to wound. However, just like a sword can wound sometime it can cut through the waffle defiantly, just like how a single thought from our inspiration can create a momentum that can not only change our lives but also that of others. 

dry soil

The Element of Earth

Minor Arcana – Suit of Disks

Court Card – Princesses

Major Arcana – The Empress, The Hierophant, The Hermit, The Devil, The Universe

Qabalistic Level: Nefesh

Qabalistic World: Assiah


The Element of Earth is the essential matter, it is the most stable and fixed of the elements and has no mobility. It is passive but solid and inflexible, but yet forms the basis and holds the space for all life to grow from it.

In the Qabalah Earth is associated with Nefesh - the 'Animal Soul' and the world of Assiah which is the world of Making, the world of Action. It is the one world where all forms take place and are finally united, manifesting form.

At this point one should note that the Qabalah treats Earth a little differently. When look at the image of the tree of life we remember we see Malkuth, which is at the bottom of the tree of life. It is not anything emanating from above but a fixed plane, where all physical manifestations takes place.

As an example: figure you want to write something, an essay, a poem, a novel. Fire would represent your spirit to do so, Water would give depth and meaning to what you want to write, Air would provide the means to develop and structure your writing, put it into an eligible literary form. Earth would be the means you bring it into the physical either using a computer or paper and a pen.

In Tarot Earth is represented by the Pentacles/Disks, standing for all thing’s material.