Tarot and the Qabalah

Now moving onto the Qabalah is when things can get quite complicated. It is important to note that the Qabalah within itself is a HUGE topic of conversation and ultimately deserves its own ‘series’ dedicated to just that, and even then you are simply only scratching the surface.

However, after a certain time spent with the Tarot, inevitably, you will run into the Qabalah and the Qabalastic ‘Tree of Life’.

Tree of life

Now hoping to make this series more streamlined and an introduction on how to deepen your depth of knowledge and skill with the Tarot, I am only going to go into some basic foundational ideas of how the Tarot links into the Tree of life that are important to know. I would highly encourage further study of this, as it will open your eyes to just how much more depth these wonderful cards hold.

The Qabalah is a western esoteric system and the Tree of life is a Qabalistic symbol of the complete universe; it is composed from ten spheres called the Sephiroth (numbers) and 22 connecting paths.

Now what becomes fascinating is that each connecting path within the Tree of life represents a Major Arcana within the Tarot whilst each Sephiroth represents the number it corresponds to within the Tarot. It is of no coincidence that all the fives within each suit represent some sort of conflict or difficulty, and when we look at the meaning of the fifth Sephiroth within the Tree of Life, this makes sense. The imagery you see within the Rider-Waite deck and more notably on the Thoth deck have their roots within the Tree of life. Now there are also astrological associations with each card that combine with the Tree of life which influence their meaning, and we can even see these on the Thoth deck at the bottom of each card of the minor arcana. For now though, we will just be looking at the influence that the Tree of life holds.

Major Arcana and the Tree of life

Image showing how each connecting line along each Sephiroth in the Tree of Life can be represented by a Major Arcana from the Tarot. Whilst each Sephiroth corresponds to all the same numbers of the minor arcana. 

So, if we were to look at each meaning of the Sephiroth, you will find it also deepens the meaning of all the minor cards that we associate with that number. This will make more sense as we go along with each number of the Sephiroth.

Kether (1) (Aces)

Kether is the first emanation, the level of pure unity. Therefore, the Aces within the Tarot are the roots of the element they are representing.

So, Ace of Fire is the birth of inspiration and passion. Ace of Water is the birth of love and emotion. Ace of Air, the first emanation and seed of the intellect and mind, whilst Ace of Earth is the birth of our practical doing, the seed that works hard to grow into a tree.

What is important to remember though is that the Aces are just the seeds. They are the birth of an idea and therefore need the other Sephiroth to manifest into the physical.


Chokmah (2)

This is the point where the pure birth and seed splits into two. It is the first manifestation and because they are so close to the purity of Kether, they show their element at one of their highest expressions.

So, the Two of Wands is Fire at its inspirational best. For the Two of Cups, it represents pure unconditional love. For the Two of Swords there is peace and a quietening of the mind to decide the best course of action, whilst for the Two of Disks begins the process of practical change, growing and manifesting.


Binah (3)

Binah like Chokmah is also close to Kether the pure seed and so this also comes out when we look at the Three’s within the Tarot. Binah is an area of understanding and realisation. They have moved from the Twos where they now face more towards their meaning.

This makes the threes interesting in the Tarot as they carry more than what they appear. So, for the Three of Wands, the Fire understands its responsibility to the world and creates a vision and idea of how to move forward. The Three of Cups create abundance and happiness with more than just two people, showing how wonderful it can be when our emotions flow positively. The Three of Swords show sorrow and often heartbreak, but when it is within Binah, it is always with understanding. Therefore, you will come through this sorrow with a greater level of understanding and often feel better for it. Last, with the Three of Disks, Earth understands the need for cooperation and making in order to create.


Chesed (4)

When we move to Chesed we have moved away from the top three of the ‘Tree of life’ and these Sephiroth interact differently, which also rubs off on the Tarot card we associate with them, changing their meaning and levels of awareness they bring.

Chesed represents stability and growth. It is not a coincidence that we have four legs often underneath our desks and chairs to keep it stable and to prevent it from falling.

For the Four of Wands, Fire has settled for the moment, creating happiness. The Four of Cups though becomes broody, Water is not meant for structure and so become stifled and irritable. For the Four of Swords they are at a truce, so things remain calm with little movement. It thrills the four of Disks within the stability of Chesed and so can move forward calmly and at peace.


Geburah (5)

Geburah is a place of conflict and destruction that creates often necessary instability. This movement breaks the stability of Four. The Five of Wands, having found stability in Four, now feel the urge to do what fire does best, break free and consume. The Five of Cups becomes upset and grieves over not being allowed to move from Four, whilst the Five of Swords’ truce has ended and a raging wasteful conflict occurs. The Swords now making up for the lost time it spent in Four. For the Five of Disks to be moved from its Sephiroth of stability to one of conflict is ill suited and so it feels isolated and alone.


Tiphareth (6)

Within the Six of the tree we find balance. It is here we are in the middle of the tree, with the conflict of Geburah overcome we can stand in harmony and at rest.

For the Six of Wands we have a victory, a parade to show how the conflict has been overcome. The Six of Cups become harmonious once more with the balanced gravity of Sephiroth. The Six of Swords becomes calm, able to use its intellect to move over to calmer waters after the conflict within Five. Finally, for the Six of Disks, it blossoms in a calmer environment and so we get success with the willing to share and give.


Netzach (7)

Here we have the Sephiroth of creativity and anarchy. The leaving from the harmony of Tiphareth coming as shock.

The Seven of Wand are under attack, trying to survive under constant pressure. The Seven of Cups have become too full of all the pleasures without the balance of Six, finding it hard then to make a decision with clarity. For the Six of Swords, the harmony again is broken and with the Swords having no control they show some of their worse traits. Finally, for the Seven of Disks, they don’t have the same level of fight as the others and give up, not seeing the benefit of what has come before.


Hod (8)

The area of Hod represents intellect and judgement, a chance to recover from the depths of Netzach.

The Eight of Wands, losing its restrictiveness, feels like it can breath again and does quickly with haste. For the Eight of Swords it is still recovering from Netzach but it is at least on the right path realising its past failure. The Eight of Swords, are looking to break free of their restrictions here as they two intellectual forces can be too much for them, whilst the Eight of Disks has learnt from not doing anything, nothing gets done and with itss new found intellect understands if it works hard enough things begin to manifest.


Yesod (9)

Yesod is a good place for our Elements. Here we are back in the middle of the tree again and they can reflect in on itself, seeing some of its best qualities.

The Nine of Wands is tired but find more strength to keep on going to its conclusion. The Nine of cups are very happy here, as again the emotional self is more centred and balanced. The Nine of Swords however can’t get away from its own nature here and sees the negative when it should look for the positive, thus overthinking and worry is created. Finally, the nine of Disks, the hard work before in Hod, is now paying off with bountiful gain and independence.


Malkuth (10)

In Malkuth, we have the area of manifestation and the physical. All the elements complete their journey here, coming to their fixed form.

For the Ten of Wands the ending isn’t quite what it hoped, and they think they need to carry on overburdening themselves when it is time to stop. The Ten of Cups are sated and they are pleased with the outcome. For the Ten of Swords the lesson is harsh, understanding that never ending conflict and movement gets us nowhere, but there is an opportunity here to be something greater despite appearances. Finally, for the Ten of Disks, we get wealth and prosperity. Earth is manifested and couldn’t be happier.