Tarot and the intuition

Tarot is an offshoot and something I really love and enjoy. But it falls under a much wider net of my continuing mediumship and psychic development. Therefore, when it comes to the intuition, this is something I have been fortunate enough to be taught in significant detail by my teachers from the Inner quest foundation in Canada BC. This has led to many fantastic direct experiences in my life that have gone way beyond anything I thought was previously possible.

I say this above because before I talk about using your intuition with the Tarot and how it can not only improve a reading ten fold but also your connection to the cards; it is important to talk briefly about the intuition first as there is so much misinformation about this.

This is a topic that could be delved into within thousands and thousands of pages of text and that would only scrape the surface, but some key points are important.

Everyone has an intuition, even the people who do not believe in anything like this. You only need to ask someone if they have ever had a ‘gut instinct’ about something which was proved true and the vast majority of people will nod along, eager to tell you the story of when this happened.

Now what becomes apparent is some people seem to possess a stronger intuition than others with the ‘intuitive arts’ such as psychic/mediumistic work. There is a debate that asks are you born with this increased talent or can we all be trained and developed?

Unfortunately, in recent years the world of giving readings whether psychically or mediumstically has devolved into a business and profit-making enterprise. Now, there is no problem with charging money for readings as people need to earn a living. However, the problems are coming from people seeing this as a career and not a vocation and therefore not doing the proper development required which can lead to many problems later down the road. This goes side by side of a huge offering of courses now available. The sad truth of it is that people feel after they have done one course that lasted several days they are in a position themselves to offer courses.

Now if you were to say that mediums/psychics were born and not made, would that increase revenue, or would you be better off saying that everyone has an ability that can be developed? Hopefully, you can see where I am going with this…..

We do also run into another problem. Even those with an ability in this field have to understand it takes years and years and years to develop and the reality of it for those true seekers is you understand you never get there. There is always more unfoldment of your awareness to come.

Now does that mean that you cannot use or develop your intuition with the Tarot? Absolutely not we ALL have an intuition that can be developed, and the Tarot is a wonderful place to bring it to light, it’s just important you understand the bigger picture of it and when someone just wants to take your money for a course.

So, how can we begin to explore using our intuition? First, it is better to explore how you can use it when reading the cards for someone else rather than yourself. This is because you will be full of unconscious bias and projections when you are trying to read the cards for yourself, and that makes it difficult for your intuition to fire. To give you an example, I have been developing for many many years and I still stay away from trying to read the cards for myself unless I am using them for self-development and awareness. 

 Second, it is important to have a good foundation with the traditional meanings of the cards first. Whilst you can read the cards intuitively even without knowing these, they have these meanings for a reason and just from them alone you can give a deep exploration of a person’s psyche.

The paradox of this is that by trying to memorize all the cards all the time, you can easily put the breaks on your intuition. Why? Because thinking and thoughts can be perceived to block the information coming in. If our attention is with our thoughts, then it is not where it is supposed to be.  So how do we get past this problem?

What I would recommend I have seen work for several people I have helped for this. Practicing on someone you know or a family member, get them to pick just one card for now. When they have drawn the card explain the traditional meaning of the card to them and see if they can resonate with it with what is going with their life (for this exercise it doesn’t matter if they can’t). Once that is done, drop needing to work with the traditional meaning of the card. Look at the card and completely and utterly surrender. Now depending on any mental patterns you may have, the mind might become agitated at this and certain emotions may rise, but just keep surrendering and opening. The reason we are doing this with a friend or family member to start with because you need to feel comfortable being wrong. You cannot hope to develop your intuition if you are afraid of being wrong. 

As you surrender, look at the cards imagery. It will attract you to a certain part of the card. Trust this and open up more. You might get a flash of imagery appear within your mind or just sense this is about something. Say it aloud to the person you are reading, even if you think it makes no sense. Even if your feedback was good or bad in terms of them being able to relate to what you are saying, stay with the imagery and stay surrendered. You may find more information comes about what you are saying, or it moves you to say something else. Trust this. Be ok with being wrong. Stay open.


For example, you may have drawn the Justice card as above and are attracted to the color red of the robe. This then makes you see a picture of red flower being given to a child in your minds eye. Ask the person you are reading for if that means anything to them describing exactly the picture you saw. Remember you are just starting out so be easy on yourself.

You will most likely find that some of what you are saying the person you are reading for can relate. Pull out two more cards and place them either side of the first card. Again explain the traditional meanings of the cards and repeat the process on the two extra cards. Regardless if feedback was ‘good’ or ‘bad’ look at the three cards together and repeat the same method. Experiment, take risks with what you are saying. You may well surprise yourself with what you come out with and then be even further surprised that some of it is correct!

Remember this is a marathon not a sprint so don’t be disheartened if you got nothing but don’t be afraid to try again. What can be wonderful about this exercise is that it can make you suddenly awaken to the fact you HAVE an intuition. This encourages you to listen to it more and more in your day-to-day life. And that is where incredible things can happen.