Picture of meeeeeee

About The Gentle Phoenix 'Jamie Byham'


I think I birthed the idea for the name of this website when I was a young man. In my teenage years it became glaringly obvious I had lost something from when I was a child. I had somehow forgotten to be happy and contented. As I crept into my teens, I began to cover up my strong sense of natural intuition by insecurities, strife and darker thought patterns. Before my twenties had even begun, I tried to combat this by reinventing myself into different identities hoping that once I had found the one, I would surely find happiness. One by one each new “face” that I showed to the world bought me some happiness but was always replaced with a feeling that something was wrong. That I was lacking what I needed to be happy. Not deterred, I tried to fill what was becoming an empty void with external gratification thinking, maybe this was the answer. Food, new relationships, friends, money all became potential avenues. This made things worse for myself and while I seemed happy to the outside world, inside I was falling into a state of despair and depression.


Fortunately, I was very lucky to know at a relatively young age in my early twenties that no matter what the external world gave me, it would always be fleeting. I would eventually desire something else. I understood that focusing on external desires bought about a ‘hungry ghost’ mentality. I saw that society was instilling this in nearly everyone I was meeting at that age. The loss of my step-father, which was a particularly devastating time in my life compounded this but yet was a further catalyst towards deep inner change. I also realised that I was turning away from a deep intuition that was always there. One that had not been properly released or was even in the beginnings of reaching its potential.



After this I began what was quite the “rebirth”. A process that is still stabilizing to this day amongst life’s inevitable trials. I threw myself internally, observing patterns within myself with the intent that I would not stop until I had taken it as far as I could. Until I had worked out what the source of happiness was. On top of this emotional roller-coaster I studied Tarot for several years whilst attending courses on top of my normal line of work. These cards were an excellent beginner platform to develop my intuition, whilst beginning to understand the deep-rooted archetypes that lay in us all.


However, it was not until I attended several courses around psychic mediumship that things really took off. I was lucky enough to be involved for several years afterwards with internationally renowned medium Brian Robertson from the AFC and “Inner quest” in Victoria, Canada. I owe a great deal of gratitude for his help, as I learned that to see the healing we want to the world, we first must have to heal ourselves. A sentence I was becoming increasingly familiar with over the last few years before I had even met him. Through him, esoteric practice and my own continuing self-discovery not only did my intuitive ability start the journey of true development but I started to see what true happiness is. How it is only the illusory sense we have of ourselves that blocks us. This is something I talk about in depth within some articles in this website.


I created this website for those seeking gentle support with their own “rebirths”, through writings on this website or through actual readings with myself.  Once we understand some of the patterns behind life and aspects of ourselves that may live in shadow, we are well away on to “rising like a phoenix from the ashes”. I speak from the heart when I say truly it is worth it.