For the next few weeks i will pick a card of the Major Arcana of the Tarot and post some of my thoughts on it. i will do this and then potentially move away from it after a time and then pick it back up again. The idea is after some time, i will have looked at all the cards of the Major Arcana.
I’m looking to share what the card represents on a deep level and how we can use it to help ourselves as ultimately that is what the Tarot is all about. It is not merely a tool for prediction but instead one of great healing and understanding. An aspect that is considerably under used today.
It’s important to note before we get started that each card in any Tarot deck has both a positive and negative. There is not a single card that can be defined as bad or good, despite what you may have heard. As any experienced reader will know, the face of a client will normally drop when they turn over the ‘Devil’ or the ‘Tower’ card. I have been guilty myself in my younger years of pulling out a card on a situation, seeing the grim face of ‘Death’ and falling into despair. It was only with the benefit of hindsight and time I saw there was a huge amount of ‘good’ buried under my projections of ‘bad’ in the situation I asked upon. The ‘Death’ card was always teaching me a valuable lesson had I looked upon it as a teacher and not gone running off with my ego-based thoughts of what I wanted to happen.
Therefore, is it important to remember that although I might explain the negative aspect of a card, even in some depth, it is always with the knowledge that the card is trying to make you more aware of this nature that might lurk in the shadows of your unconscious so it can be bought into the light. Awareness is the first step (and maybe the last 😉) of solving any problem. The major arcana cards are always speaking to the part of you that carries the highest intelligence and NOT your mind! It is your own intuition, the intelligence that has your heart beating and lungs breathing. The side of you that is beyond time and fear.
The Major Arcana in a Tarot deck carry strong archetypes that lie in our psyche. If you have any familiarity of a Tarot deck, you will notice that the majors will have numerical numbers attached with a word addressing what the card represents. It is not a coincidence, at least in my experience that when these cards appear in a client reading, it is always a signal that what is underway is a deep transformation of their inner selves, that will have a lasting effect on how they view life as they move forward.
I will not be going through any order with the cards or going through the ‘fool’s journey’ of the Major Arcana as I feel many fantastic people have done this, and it has been explained well. I will instead let my own intuition guide my hand to the card, and allow the card to stir up some thoughts.