The card that appeared this time was ‘The Hierophant’ and is number five in the Major Arcana. This card was very insistent to make itself known this week. Not only did it first appear on the bottom when I pulled out the cards, intuitively it also drew me to it, and it felt ‘right’. However, I went against this judgement and thought instead I would shuffle the cards and see what would pop out that way. Lo-and-behold, out it came again. A good reminder to trust what you receive and that the mind really needs to take a backseat when you explore the deeper parts of ourselves.
Taurus rules the card and so carries the need of security and safety represented by the two pillars behind the robed figure. The Number five is seen to represent both Spirit and conflict depending from which discipline you look at. I am always reminded of a quote when I see both representations of the number five from CS Lewis, ‘God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pain: it is his megaphone to wake up the world.’ It is not a coincidence that those who have had a challenging experience, come through the other side having a new outlook on life and often it is for the better. In rarer occurrences, someone’s suffering can be the catalyst to go deep within themselves and begin the process of waking up to their true Self.
The traditional meaning of this card is both that of a spiritual teacher and dogmatic belief and thinking that is no longer serving you. The Rider Wait deck would point towards religions occasional dogmatic beliefs seeing as the figure in the deck comes across as ‘Pope-like’. However, to think such dogmatic beliefs are only for the religious realm is deeply flawed thinking. The so called ‘Spiritual’ belief system carried by many is full of dogmatic thinking. I have often found people who see themselves as very ‘Spiritual’ and who come across that they can do no wrong, get incredibly frustrated and borderline angry when challenged on some of their ways of Spiritual thinking.
‘Atheism’ is another belief system that can have strong dogma attached to it. I have witnessed several arguments over the years between someone who believes in God and someone who doesn’t. These can sometimes get very heated such is the strong belief that is being challenged. When I was asked my opinion on the matter from people who do not know me well, I have asked both parties to first drop the idea/belief of God existing and then drop the idea/belief of God not existing and to see what is left. Then from that awareness approach the subject. Often this is met with a raised eyebrow and the argument continues!
However, this card is also speaking to some of our day-to-day beliefs. But ones that have nonetheless become destructive and fixed. When we live within our minds and take its projections and fears as truth, we start to believe we not good enough. That we are unworthy of love and compassion. That we are separate from Spirit. We look through the world from this lens whilst comparing ourselves to others and seeking approval thorough our deeds. We therefore become very fragile to criticism or scorn, become risk averse, more willing to stay in our comfort zones than go through the possible pain of rejection. Instead of going to the core, behind the curtain and contemplate the beliefs we hold about ourselves we turn away instead. Seeking small windows of external gratification that never last whilst suppressing the side of ourselves that wants to be free.
This card is a call to action! An action to move away from the supposed safety and confines of the mind. To drop some frankly worn and tired negative beliefs we hold about ourselves. To understand that the path to true freedom begins once you have seen the prison you are keeping yourself in within your thoughts and emotions. It is only when you shine the light of awareness we can do something. There is a sleeping giant inside us all and ‘The Hierophant’ seeks for you to meet it.