This weeks Tarot card is ‘The World’. Technically, the final card of the Major Arcana if you were to follow it chronologically. It signals the end of the ‘Fool’s journey’ and a merging back with source. The figure in the middle of the card is dancing with a wand in each hand. She is symbolic of an end to duality to one of unity. A unity where one sees life as an ever-changing movement, but who is both participating and not participating at the same time. The figure has understood and experiences that they are connected to all things. They are the epitome of the phrase ‘go with the flow’.
The four corners of the card are the four fixed signs of the zodiac. Leo, Taurus, Aquarius and the enlightened form of Scorpio represented by the Eagle. They represent the four elements, the four aspects of the universe in balance and harmony. The Wreath around the figure shows success. Traditionally than this card is associated with completion and achievement with a satisfying conclusion.
However, all cards carry a shadow and depending on other card placement this card can also show that while they have completed a journey, there is still a hollow feeling. It leaves them unsatisfied. Perhaps they fell into the trap of thinking once they conquered an external project or goal this would give them the feeling of wholeness that had been missing in their lives.
Maybe then it is the shadow of this card that can bring us closer to alignment with the figure within it. We live in a society where success and attainment of goals is seen as a priority. But success is a very interesting thing. If you ever get the chance, I ask you to talk to someone who is seen as ‘successful’ in our society and go ask questions. Ask them if they are content now they achieved so much if they feel truly happy or is there something else they need to do first? Often these people will say initially it filled them with pride and accomplishment and a sense of calm. However, this was short lived and there was an urge to go out chasing their next goal, their next drive. If they are truly honest, they will say they feel agitated about needing to achieve the next goal but feel once that is done, they will have that sense of pride and accomplishment again.
Am I saying that goal setting and achieving these goals are bad? Not at all. They are fundamental to wonderful change and transformation. But if you believe that achieving something outside of yourself will fill that nagging urge. That you will be happy and content once you have it, then to put it bluntly you will have missed the very essence of your ‘being’. You have entered ‘hungry ghost’ syndrome and they will miss the contented dancer you see in this card.
Think how many times in you own life you desired something so much it took over your mind. Be it a relationship, a new job, a material object. Can you honestly say as you sit here reading this that you are completely content? That you have found peace? Or instead is there that nagging urge to do something? That you won’t be complete until this and that is done.
This sense of a pull to do something is because we have been conditioned to satisfy our mind. And the bad news is your mind can NEVER be satisfied. Your mind operates where when you are eating breakfast, it is thinking what it wants for lunch. You will have great moments of happiness and joy but feelings of despair and sadness will soon replace these. For this is ego-based consciousness.
‘The World’ card asks us to free ourselves from the shackles of our mind. To understand your happiness has never been ‘out there’ but is instead within your beingness. It is within the ‘I AM’. The place free of beliefs and identity where life is seen to ever move and evolve. It is here you understand that instead of life happening to you, you are and always have been life itself. Become the dancer and see your unity in all of creation.